Wage Subsidy Service

WorkBC's Wage Subsidy program provides financial support to an employer as incentive to hire and provide work experience and skills enhancement to eligible job seekers.

Benefits for Employers

  • Reduced cost of hiring and training a new employee.
  • Simple online application and claims process (follow link below).
  • The employer is reimbursed a portion (graduated amount) of a new employee's wages to offset the cost of training.
  • Flexibility to train new employees to suit your needs.
  • Disability supports to reduce work-related barriers for an employee.


Getting Started


Important:  The Wage Subsidy Agreement must be in place prior to the employee starting work.


Job Seeker Eligibility:

A job seeker must be:

  1. A BC permanent resident or Canadian Citizen
  2. Unemployed (not working full-time, part- time, temporarily, etc.)
  3. Identified for this service through a WorkBC service provider
  4. In need of work experience 


Please visit our page, Wage Subsidy for Job Seekers to learn how it works.